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It's time to renew your membership or become a first time member! Your membership is needed to assure funding is in place to keep our watershed efforts supported!

Listen to the Loon

DLWA Business Members

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It was a beautiful day for the annual July 4th Flotilla. There was a great turn out by members and it was a very festive event! Ice cream and root beer floats were enjoyed by all. Awards were provided in many categories and below are the happy winners with a magnificent Loon decorated pontoon. Congratulations to all and we thank you for attending.

Root Beer Floats Were Enjoyed By All!

As part of the Testing and Monitoring of lakes in the DLWA watershed, lake level testing is completed on a regular basis. On June 6th Val Cromell checked the lake level under the bridge between Deer Lake and Pickerel Lake. This is the outflow location at Dunlap's Creek. You can find more details about the readings taken periodically in the Winter 2019 DLWA Newsletter and article by Bill Cromell called "One Outflow Creek - Open or Closed?" Access it now under the "Archives" tab on the website.

Lake Level At Dunlap's Creek On June 6th, 2019

Organization Partners

Deer Lake Watershed Association

P.O. Box 23   Effie MN  56639

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